Monday, November 2, 2009


well n is still sick and hasn't had too many good nights of sleep with being feverish and achy, all the coughing and the never ending runny nose. well it seemed that all the pieces were going to come together for one magical night of rest. her nose stopped running, the coughing subsided and the fever finally broke :)

... and then halloween on a saturday night happened to ruin this ...

the neighbors kids decided to bless the street with a large gathering of obnoxious, loud and crude partygoers. instead of keeping the party indoors they took their "merriment" to the front lawn and street complete with fist fighting, dropping the f-bomb every 2 seconds and hooting and hollering, littering the street with bottles and cigarette butts and some aspiring dj who played techno music from his car for the whole neighborhood's listening pleasure

well the party went into the wee hours of the morning and the real fun for us began around 4 am when some inebriated and stupid fellow decided to run up to our house and throw a big chunk of pumpkin at our bedroom window. it nearly gave j and n a heart attack. and to top off all the festivities they awoke in the morning to find this on their murano that was parked in the street ...

all n wants to know is why? why are people so rude and disrespectful especially to stuff that isn't even theirs?

p.s. yes the ugly house in the background belongs to us and the big chunk of black is where the old door use to be and we still have got a ton of work to do on the exterior but we're trying to finish the inside first

cheers ~ from a not so cheerful n


  1. The day after we finally moved into our house, our car got broken into. The drivers side window was completely smashed & our GPS {& my freakin' makeup bag! WTF?!} were stolen. It's a crappy feeling having your messed with.

    {I found you through Queasy's blog}

  2. Oops.. that should read "having your car messed with."

  3. hey carrie,
    thanks for the note and agreement.

    side note - i also found your blog via queasy and love all the work you've done on your place and the sets that you guys are working on right now are so amazing.

    cheers ~n
